Monday, January 28, 2008

What emails?

So, while I am at the retreat, my dad called me and I am just so excited about it. He was driving through town and wanted to see if we could get something to eat. And lucky me...I...wasn't in town?!? What the hell? I was in the mountains!
I walk into my room and see a missed call (what is with me and missing calls?) I thought that Terry had called to tell me something about the kids or to just tell me what a wonderful, beautiful woman I am (right?!). Instead was a message from Jim, my dad. I had to call him back to tell him how great it was to hear from him. While I was talking to him (he was still on the road) he asked if I had gotten any of his emails... what?...emails? Umm...No, I said. I have not seen any. He then continued to tell me about how he has emailed me a "number of times and at Christmas". I felt horrible. I mean, I know that it was not my fault, it was no ones fault, but I felt bad about it. You know the feeling that I am talking about. The one where you think...if only...(you fill in the blank). Well, that is all I could think...if only I was at home, if only I had gotten one email... if only I had mailed that note to him that I have been trying to finish for over a month get the idea :o). I quickly regroup to tell him that I hated to have not gotten the emails, but that I would email him as soon as I got back in town so that he would have the right address. We laughed about it (I was laughing with my dad...Cool!) and he said that he would be in my area again in the next month or so and we would have to get together. Then, it happened... He said something that I will never forget. He said that he just could not stop thinking about me. Now that he has met me, he is just having a hard time not thinking about me and wanting to be with me. What?!? I was speechless (and crying might I add). I tried to mutter something like me too, but I am not sure if anything actually came out. He cleared his throat and then said that He needed to run and he was gone. All I could think of was...I am important to him. He wants to see me, wants to talk to me. I can't believe it. After all these years, he is reaching out to hold my hand, and guess what, I want to grab hold of it, finally!


Jess said...

oh, wini. i was about to comment on this post...but i was nervous because i thought, "she won't even remember me..." but then i said to myself that i would tell you i found your blog through lisa and love it...and have been following your story...and this post, where the Lord is speaking so clearly to you about, it was extremely powerful...

so i was going to post this comment and as i started to i saw my name under your community... !!!


double yeah!!!


Anonymous said...

Wini, I am praising God for the healing and mercy He has showered upon you. Now your challenge is to live like a well woman, a healed woman, a whole woman. Some of us live most of our lives as wounded children such that when healing comes, we do not know how to be well. Live well, my dear. What a blessing to raise your family healed from wounds, unable to pass on the pain. By God's grace they will never know abandonment, but your scars will forever be a reminder to you and to them of God's faithfulness. I love you and miss you. Thank you for remembering me and sending me your updates. -Nance

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your "journey". I knew you were going through something difficult and I still don't know all of it, but at least now, I can understand better and I know more what to pray for, for you. I love you sweet Wini and the one thing I have recently learned is that we all have "stuff" to deal with and we really need each other. None of us are alone. Continue to follow the Lord's leading and trust Him. He is always there and will be with you every step of the way.
Here for you.
Your friend,