Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What file?

I found out some info on my Bio Dad today and I am not sure how to file it in my head. I mean, do you file it under the dad that left, or how about the man I never knew. What about the guy that I wished that I could call dad, or maybe the one that was never there. I could put him in an old file like People I want to meet, or The ones that I could spend hours asking questions to, or what about the great old file of Family I would love to meet
OK, so even if I did know what file I want to put it in, I still have no idea how I feel about any of the info that I received. Does it make me want to see him, or find him I should say. Or does it make me even more angry at him than I was to begin with. A year ago (pre-couseling) I would have said that I have NO desire to meet him or see him or even know where he is. But now............ well, now I have no idea what I think or how I feel. I am NOT USED to feeling this way. What do I do with this? It is like my head and my heart have no idea where to put this? ...does not compute....does not compute....

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