Thursday, April 5, 2007


Why is it that we think that the way that we look on the outside tells people what kind of person we are on the inside? What does our hair color or the size of our jeans tell someone about our character or our integrity?? I know that this comes from the world that we live in since I can find nothing in the bible that tells me this is true! How do we live in this culture obsessed with beauty (whatever they think that is) and apperence without allowing it to affect our heart? our inner being? our soul?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The world can never look at our outside and see true beauty.
They may see what "they" consider to be beauty......or not. But as we get older and wiser we know that beauty is always from the heart and spirit of a person.
In 1 Samuel 16:7 Yahweh said to Samuel, "God does not see as human beings see. They look at appearances, but Yahweh looks at the heart."
THAT is where you are BEAUTIFUL!
How do we live in this culture obsessed with "outer" beauty?
We live every day doing our best to show others the inner beauty that God, kindness, compassion, forgiveness. Not just ours, but also in every person we meet.
Because what they're wearing or how they're styling their hair might just be a reflection of how un*beautiful they feel in their heart.
: )
Peace of Christ to you!