So, I have to say that I have always said that I want to be in community. I want the love, the growth, the depth, the authentic relationships that come with this type of Life-doing. I would also say that I have truly opened myself up to this type of community with my closest friends, but something happened tonight that I have to say stopped me in my tracks. I was pushed. My thoughts were challenged. I was pressed to be real and honest and it was....uncomfortable, hard, maybe even frustrating. I struggled and groaned at the thought of how to answer, much less give the answer that I knew was right. I was trying to ask for the check so to speak....OK I know that we are friends, but there are certain things that you just don't press on...What you are asking me is hard and I am not sure what to say. Now, most friends would have left the awkwardness, the uncomfortable situation and just turned the other way...but not these friends, and guess why. They truly care for me and we exist together in true community. I experienced tonight true friendship where I was challenged in love without judgement. I am sure that this is what Christ meant when He said, As iron sharpens iron... I felt sharpened tonight and not to say that it felt good and comfortable the whole time. But, I am growing because of it. Thank you my friends, I love that we are in community together and pray that the Lord keeps us on the same journey for long time.
oh, it is so hard to be challenged deeply...to be loved enough to be confronted and encouraged no matter what is going on..thanks for these words...well written...
What a great post... so vulnerable and open. You're right about how hard it is to be in community like this, hence the reason why most aren't. Your picture is perfect... the making of beauty under fire! You are loved, Wini. It's great to see how you are growing! This post... as all your posts...is a great encouragement to all!
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