Something happened to me tonight that I will never forget. I was having a really hard day. Everyone in my family is sick (except me). I mean, it is so bad that I am almost wishing that I was sick just so I can get in bed, pull the covers over my head...you get the idea. I needed a break...big time. I am taking care of it all and I am done. Even Target at this point would have been a welcome break...anything would have worked. I was grasping for straws. Well, at this point, my two oldest decide that it would be a great day to pull all the punches out on Mom. Let's push her over the edge..HeHeHe...(this is what I envision they talk about in their room:o) I mean, it has been awhile since we have really sent her over the edge, she has not totally lost it lately...and so the evil plan was hatched and proceeded with during the rest of my Sunday. Well, it was bad, let's just leave it at that. But, with the Lord's help, I was able to keep my cool for the most part. What?, you say, I know it was a miracle straight from heaven! I made it through that entire day from Hell (I am so not kidding) and only lost it once. I was getting the older girls ready for bed and really felt the Lord telling me to talk out the day with them. I needed to make sure that we were still on the up and up, you know, make sure that our relationship had not been damaged by the one "loosing it" time. I sat down with them and we talked...I mean, really talked. We talked about how much I love them and how much the Lord loves them, and I asked for their forgiveness and they asked me to forgive them too.....it was awesome, beautiful, perfect, inspiring, emotional, healing...what else can I say...it was great! As my hubby and I walked downstairs after the final tuck-in to bed, he said the most beautiful words I have ever heard come from his precious lips... "I see a change in you. God is working in your life and I can see it."
I was speechless (hard to imagine I know). I don't think that any words could have sounded any better at that time in my world. It made me think of my Lord and how he is working the clay of my life...breaking, molding and turning that potters wheel to make me more like him. Thank you Lord, for placing me on your potter's wheel and for loving me so much that you waited until just the perfect time to start my process of molding.
Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8
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