I was sitting in church and heard a man talk about how even the Lord can use Leopard Print nighties.....What did he just say?... I thought I did not hear him right, but as he continued with his story I realized that I had heard him quite clearly. His church takes anything that they can get their hands on or have donated to them and then they in turn, find who is in need and gives it to them. They have gotten some crazy things in the years that he has been there, but his favorite was the leopard print nighties. He was not sure how the Lord was going to use them, but he knew that He would. Sure enough there was a need and all the ladies in a community were completely blessed by the leopard print nighties. Who would have thought? As I sat there and listened to his recounting of this "ministry opportunity" I was blown away. God really can use anything.
I have to admit that there are many a time that I sit and wonder.....why don't I have a special gift that I can use for the kingdom. I would love to be able to sing, or play and instrument... or perhaps paint or write for the Lord. I would love to teach or share beautiful insights into the Word of God....and yet, I do not have any of those wonderful talents. I can get to the place where I focus so much on what I have not been blessed with that I miss what I can do for HIM. I want to be the leopard print nightie. I want to be the thing that people think can not be used by God, but He chooses to use in mighty ways anyway. I would love to surprise people by what I can do for him. I often think that my talent right now is being able to visit my Super Target with all four of my children, and all five of us not just survive the trip, but walk out with smiles.......or maybe my talent is my ability to feed an absurd amount of children PB & J in record time all before the whining starts :o).....or perhaps my talent is being able do 14 loads of laundry all in one day (yes, I have really done that!)............or maybe it is the ability to extend not just my lap, but also my love so that all four children feel a part of something special??
Either way, I know that He has things that only I can do and I want to make sure that my heart is willing and ready to tell Him.....You can have every part of me for whatever purpose you need it for, even my leopard print nightie. Besides, who am I to say what the Lord can use?