So, the baggage is still waiting for me to pick it back up....as soon as I think that it is finished and I can leave it, the baggage reminds me that it is still there. I know you are there. I'm not stupid. I just don't know what to do with you. I am trying to grow, trying to gain freedom from you, but you just sit there...waiting for me to pick you back up again. Enter Christ....I will take it from you, Wini. What?? You mean, you don't already have it? I mean, I laid it down quite some time ago and you still have not picked it up....I have had to keep moving it with me as I have changed and grown...where were you? Then a smile sweeps over His face and he gently cups my chin in His hands. Wini, you must give it to me..place it in my hands. You have to be the one to do it. You have to choose to place your burdens in my hands...only then can I carry them for you. Then the tears came...You mean all this time I have been carrying this baggage thinking that I had given it up, when I had only laid it down temporarily. I never really placed it in His hands, never really gave it up....Man, I am really good at that. I can sit anything down for awhile, but watch me closely. I will pick it right back up when no one is watching...or at least I thought no one was watching.