So, the weekend has come and gone and my hope has now faded. Well, not just faded, but totally disappeared! I really did not think that he was going to call.....but even if it is not what you expect, you still want it. I wanted him to call. I wanted to be important enough. I wanted to be worth it, just this one time. But, as it turns out, my gut was right. All I will ever have will be the talk in the truck. Not sure that is what I want to have to tell my kids.......Kids, your Granddad was a sweet man....he could really turn it on while talking on the phone.....What? What does he look like?...well, I have no idea. What? Where does he live?...well, I have no idea. What? Why doesn't he come to visit?.....well, I have no idea. OK, maybe that is not the right perspective, but do you blame me? I wanted my mom to be wrong. I know that she thinks that he is an a**, but I wanted him to prove her wrong. I wanted him to show that he is different, that he is a good guy, that he did want a relationship with me, that he was pushed away all those years, that he did not just walk away and never look back. But now, after giving me the talk in the truck, he has walked away again, and left me with nothing but disappointment.