The prophet Micah lived during a dark time. The children of Israel were following false idols and even sacrificing their children to them. They were doing all of this during the reign of King Ahaz. This was when the Lord spoke through Micah to tell them of the judgement that was coming. Some wanted to turn from their evil ways and follow God. They pleaded with Micah to tell them how to win God's favor once again. The Lord had one answer:
Micah 6:8 (NIV) He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.To act Justly
To love Mercy
To walk humbly with your God
How do I do that? I have been thinking about this a lot. Justice, Mercy and Humility are BIG things with the Lord. Do I have a sense of justice for all the atrocities that happen to the poor, the hungry that have no food, the women that are sold, the children that are dying of AIDS? Does my heart jump to help and have compassion for the widow in assisted living with no one? Do I cry when I see the orphans that desperately want to be loved?
Do I want to show the mercy that the Lord has shown me? The mercy that He showed when he took my sins from me and took them upon Himself so that I may have a HOPE beyond this world. Am I willing? Willing to go the AIDS patients and tell them that there is someone that cares and that loves them. Willing to go to the addicts and tell them that there is a HOPE that is beyond all hope and can help them. Willing to talk to the stripper that is just trying to feed her children. Willing to talk to the Illegal that is just trying to make a better life for their family....and their children's family ... and their children's children's family.
And where does the humility fit into all this? Or does it even work at all without the humility. How good do I think that I am? I can not even imagine being able to get off the floor when I am face to face with the MOST HIGH GOD one day. And yet, we are to be like HIM. Treat others as He would treat them. Which is what? to serve them. We are to serve the ones that need him the most. Serve them with Love and show them the mercy of GOD.
Now, can God do all these things without us??????
The answer is yes, BUT I sure don't want to miss it!